Luna Bar - Cocktails och restaurang <- Gå tillbaka


Woman in cocktail dress drinking a cocktail with Luna moon on the background

Hits of the British 60's

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Strange Brew

160 kr

Bitter, banan, karamell, peppar

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Paint it Black

160 kr

Lakrits, anis

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Strawberry Fields Forever

160 kr

Jordgubb, aperol, kokosgrädde

Hits of the Swedish 70's

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Oh Boy

160 kr

Varm O´boy, punsch, mandel

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Ten O´Clock Postman

160 kr

Rabarber, hallon, vanilj

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Kisses of Fire

160 kr

Chili, apelsin, ingefära

Hits of the German 80's

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Need Your Passion

160 kr

Tequila, passionsfrukt, vit choklad

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99 Luftballons

160 kr

Skogsbär, kakao

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Big in Japan

160 kr

Wasabi, lime, lychee

Hits of the American 90's

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Party and Bullshit

160 kr

Rom, äpple, mynta

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160 kr

Bourbon, smörkola, grädde

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Gin and Juice

160 kr

Gin, apelsin